holding on by a petal – watercolor

She held on.
Through two storms and massive winds, she clung.

Tree limbs are down around me but she still stands.
Hanging on by a petal.

I took this picture in the morning before the storms arrived. I went into town and as I walked through the parking lot at church, tornado sirens began to blare. One wave of storms hit at 9 AM, then another at 1 PM.

As I drove home, I wondered… my snail. How did she fare?

Just fine.

Still hanging to the same petal, she sailed through the storms by riding on a daylily.

PS I chose to call my snail a “she” but snails are hermaphrodites. So she is really a she and a he. The fascinating thing about snails is that they can sense when the other snail is not entirely healthy. The healthy snail will not receive anything from the unhealthy one, however, the healthy snail will offer its male offerings to the other. Nature is amazing.

Anyway, may you sail through your storms in life and ride them out, knowing that you are never alone.
“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8



  1. So glad you are still creating these “Lets Paint Nature” emails and art! Thank you so much. I also appreciate your encouraging comments about the one that will never leave us or forsake us. He is able to do exceeding, abundantly more than we can ask or think.

    1. Danine, thank you so much for reaching out and your kind words! I appreciate the note. I get so excited about relating nature and God’s provisions and love to share 😀

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